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"""Module to handle conversion between in-core image formats."""
# Image-conversion helper classes and routines
import imgformat
import imgcolormap
import imageop
import imgop
error = 'imgconvert.error'
unsupported_error = 'imgconvert.unsupported_error'
import os
if os.environ.has_key('FASTDITHER'):
def setquality(onoff):
"""Call with zero parameter to disable high-quality conversions"""
return old_q
def settrace(onoff):
"""Call with non-zero parameter to enable conversion trace printing"""
global TRACE
old_t = TRACE
TRACE = onoff
return old_t
_colormaps = {}
# getfmtcolormap - Create a colormap for an 8-bit format
def getfmtcolormap(fmt):
"""Return a colormap suitable for the 8-bit format argument"""
if _colormaps.has_key(fmt):
return _colormaps[fmt]
size = fmt.descr['size']
except AttributeError:
raise error, 'Argument must be an image-format object'
if size <> 8:
raise error, 'Only 8-bit formats supported'
comp = fmt.descr['comp']
if len(comp) not in (1, 3):
raise error, 'Only 1- or 3-component formats supported'
map = imgcolormap.new('\0\0\0\0'*256)
if len(comp) == 1:
for i in range(1<<comp[0][1]):
map[i] = (i, i, i)
rmax = 1<<comp[0][1]
gmax = 1<<comp[1][1]
bmax = 1<<comp[2][1]
for r in range(rmax):
rv = r*255/(rmax-1)
for g in range(gmax):
gv = g*255/(gmax-1)
for b in range(bmax):
bv = b*255/(bmax-1)
i = (r<<comp[0][0]) | (g<<comp[1][0]) | (b<<comp[2][0])
map[i] = (rv, gv, bv)
_colormaps[fmt] = map
return map
# _reverse - Convert top-to-bottom to bottom-to-top vv.
def _reverse(data, reader, srcfmt, dstfmt):
if srcfmt.descr['size'] <> dstfmt.descr['size'] or \
srcfmt.descr['align'] <> dstfmt.descr['align']:
raise error, 'Incompatible formats'
width = reader.width
# convert width-in-pixels to width-in-bytes, taking alignment into account
align = srcfmt.descr['align'] / 8 - 1
width = (width * srcfmt.descr['size'] / 8 + align) & ~align
height = len(data) / width
if height*width <> len(data):
raise error, 'Incorrect datasize'
rv = ''
pos = len(data)-width
while pos >= 0:
rv = rv + data[pos:pos+width]
pos = pos - width
return rv
# _maptorgb - Convert colormap to rgb
def _maptorgb(data, reader, srcfmt, dstfmt):
width = reader.width
return reader.colormap.map(data, width, srcfmt, dstfmt)
# _grey2rgb - Convert greyscale to rgb
def _greytorgb(data, reader, srcfmt, dstfmt):
greymap = getfmtcolormap(srcfmt)
# We have to trick map() in believing us...
if srcfmt == imgformat.grey:
srcfmt = imgformat.colormap
elif srcfmt == imgformat.xgrey:
srcfmt = imgformat.xcolormap
elif srcfmt == imgformat.grey_b2t:
srcfmt = imgformat.grey_b2t
return greymap.map(data, reader.width, srcfmt, dstfmt)
# _rgb2grey - Convert rgb to greyscale
def _rgbtoxgrey(data, reader, srcfmt, dstfmt):
data = imageop.rgb2grey(data, reader.width, reader.height)
return data
# _rgb2rgb8 - Convert rgb to xrgb8, simplistic method
#def _rgbtoxrgb8(data, reader, srcfmt, dstfmt):
# return imageop.rgb2rgb8(data, reader.width, reader.height)
# _shuffle - Convert various RGB formats to each other
def _shuffle(data, reader, srcfmt, dstfmt):
return imgop.shuffle(data, reader.width, reader.height, srcfmt, dstfmt)
# _dither - Convert 8-bit grey to 1-bit grey
def _dither(data, reader, srcfmt, dstfmt):
return imgop.dither(data, reader.width, reader.height, srcfmt, dstfmt)
# _zapbits - Remove bits from an RGB color (for colormap clustering)
class Struct: pass
def _zapbits(data, reader, fmt):
# Create a new format, initially identical to the old one
newfmt = Struct()
newfmt.name = 'Scaled-down RGB format for map-clustering'
newfmt.descr = {}
for k in fmt.descr.keys():
newfmt.descr[k] = fmt.descr[k]
# Now remove one bit from each color component
components = newfmt.descr['comp']
newcomp = ()
for pos, len in components:
if len <= 1:
raise error, 'Map-clustering failed'
newcomp = newcomp + ((pos+1, len-1),)
print ' Scaling RGB values to', newcomp
newfmt.descr['comp'] = newcomp
data = imgop.shuffle(data, reader.width, reader.height, fmt, newfmt)
return data, newfmt
def _scalergbdata(data, reader, srcfmt):
map = imgcolormap.fromimage(data, reader.width, reader.height, srcfmt)
return data, map
except imgcolormap.error, arg:
if arg[:15] != 'Too many colors':
raise imgcolormap.error, arg
# Do color-clustering
newfmt = srcfmt
while 1:
data, newfmt = _zapbits(data, reader, newfmt)
data = imgop.shuffle(data, reader.width, reader.height,
newfmt, srcfmt)
map = imgcolormap.fromimage(data, reader.width, reader.height,
return data, map
except imgcolormap.error:
# _maprgb - Convert RGB to xcolormap format
def _maprgb(data, reader, srcfmt, dstfmt):
data, map = _scalergbdata(data, reader, srcfmt)
reader.colormap = map
data, newfmt = map.dither(data, reader.width, reader.height,
if newfmt != imgformat.xcolormap:
raise error, 'Internal error: map.dither returned format '+`newfmt`
return data
def _rgbtoxrgb8(data, reader, srcfmt, dstfmt):
map = getfmtcolormap(dstfmt)
data, newfmt = map.dither(data, reader.width, reader.height,
if newfmt != imgformat.xcolormap:
raise error, 'Internal error: map.dither returned format '+`newfmt`
return data
# _removestride - Remove the stride from an 8-bit image
def _removestride(data, reader, srcfmt, dstfmt):
rv = ''
dstwidth = reader.width
srcwidth = ((dstwidth+3) & ~3)
if srcwidth == dstwidth:
return data
for i in range(0, len(data), srcwidth):
rv = rv + data[i:i+dstwidth]
return rv
# _addstride - Add stride to an 8-bit image
def _addstride(data, reader, srcfmt, dstfmt):
rv = ''
srcwidth = reader.width
dstwidth = ((srcwidth+3) & ~3)
if srcwidth == dstwidth:
return data
extra = '\0' * (dstwidth-srcwidth)
for i in range(0, len(data), srcwidth):
rv = rv + data[i:i+srcwidth] + extra
return rv
# 'lossiness' is a scalar value. Use 0 if nothing changes in the pixels,
# 1 if no information is lost but bits are (grey->rgb), 2 if information
# is lost (rgb->grey), 3 if the converter also produces a colormap.
_converters = [ \
(imgformat.grey, imgformat.grey_b2t, _reverse, 0),
(imgformat.grey_b2t,imgformat.grey, _reverse, 0),
(imgformat.xgrey, imgformat.xgrey_b2t, _reverse, 0),
(imgformat.xgrey_b2t,imgformat.xgrey, _reverse, 0),
(imgformat.colormap,imgformat.colormap_b2t, _reverse, 0),
(imgformat.colormap_b2t,imgformat.colormap, _reverse, 0),
(imgformat.rgb, imgformat.rgb_b2t, _reverse, 0),
(imgformat.rgb_b2t, imgformat.rgb, _reverse, 0),
(imgformat.rgb8, imgformat.rgb8_b2t, _reverse, 0),
(imgformat.rgb8_b2t,imgformat.rgb8, _reverse, 0),
(imgformat.xrgb8, imgformat.xrgb8_b2t, _reverse, 0),
(imgformat.xrgb8_b2t,imgformat.xrgb8, _reverse, 0),
(imgformat.grey, imgformat.rgb, _greytorgb, 1),
(imgformat.xgrey, imgformat.rgb, _greytorgb, 1),
(imgformat.grey_b2t,imgformat.rgb_b2t, _greytorgb, 1),
(imgformat.colormap,imgformat.rgb, _maptorgb, 1),
(imgformat.xcolormap,imgformat.rgb, _maptorgb, 1),
(imgformat.colormap_b2t,imgformat.rgb_b2t, _maptorgb, 1),
(imgformat.rgb, imgformat.xgrey, _rgbtoxgrey, 2),
# (imgformat.rgb, imgformat.xrgb8, _rgbtoxrgb8, 2),
(imgformat.macrgb, imgformat.rgb, _shuffle, 0),
(imgformat.macrgb16,imgformat.rgb, _shuffle, 1),
(imgformat.rgb8, imgformat.rgb, _shuffle, 1),
(imgformat.xrgb8, imgformat.rgb, _shuffle, 1),
(imgformat.rgb, imgformat.macrgb, _shuffle, 0),
(imgformat.macrgb16,imgformat.macrgb, _shuffle, 1),
(imgformat.rgb8, imgformat.macrgb, _shuffle, 1),
(imgformat.xrgb8, imgformat.macrgb, _shuffle, 1),
(imgformat.rgb, imgformat.macrgb16, _shuffle, 2),
(imgformat.macrgb, imgformat.macrgb16, _shuffle, 2),
(imgformat.rgb8, imgformat.macrgb16, _shuffle, 1),
(imgformat.xrgb8, imgformat.macrgb16, _shuffle, 1),
(imgformat.rgb, imgformat.xrgb8, _rgbtoxrgb8, 2),
(imgformat.xrgb8, imgformat.rgb8, _shuffle, 0),
(imgformat.rgb8, imgformat.xrgb8, _shuffle, 0),
(imgformat.pbmbitmap, imgformat.grey, _shuffle, 1),
(imgformat.grey, imgformat.pbmbitmap, _dither, 2),
(imgformat.grey, imgformat.xgrey, _removestride, 0),
(imgformat.grey_b2t,imgformat.xgrey_b2t, _removestride, 0),
(imgformat.rgb8_b2t,imgformat.xrgb8_b2t, _removestride, 0),
(imgformat.colormap,imgformat.xcolormap, _removestride, 0),
(imgformat.xgrey, imgformat.grey, _addstride, 0),
(imgformat.xgrey_b2t,imgformat.grey_b2t, _addstride, 0),
(imgformat.xrgb8_b2t,imgformat.rgb8_b2t, _addstride, 0),
(imgformat.xcolormap,imgformat.colormap, _addstride, 0),
(imgformat.rgb, imgformat.xcolormap, _maprgb, 3),
# The converts we have built, indexed by sourceformat.
# Each entry is another dictionary (indexed by dstformat).
# The entries of these dictionaries are lists of [lossiness, len, [funcs]]
_generated = {}
# Add a converter from 'srcfmt' to 'dstfmt' to the list, possibly
# replacing an existing converter
def addconverter(srcfmt, dstfmt, func, lossy):
"""Tell imgconvert about a new converter.
Args: source_format, dest_format, function, lossy.
lossy is 0 (not lossy), 1 (wastes bits), 2 (loses bits) or
3 (converts to colormap format).
function is called as function(data, reader, srcfmt, dstfmt)
for i in range(len(_converters)):
isrcfmt, idstfmt, irtn, ilossy = _converters[i]
if (srcfmt, dstfmt) == (isrcfmt, idstfmt):
_converters[i] = (srcfmt, dstfmt, func, lossy)
# Returns a list of conversion functions that will convert
# srcfmt to dstfmt if applied in that order.
def getconverter(srcfmt, dstfmt):
"""Return a converter from srcfmt to dstfmt.
A converter is a list [lossy, length, list-of-tuples],
where each tuple is (srcfmt, dstfmt, func, lossy).
Calling each of the functions in order will convert your image.
global _generated
# If formats are the same return the dummy converter
if srcfmt == dstfmt: return []
# Otherwise, if we have a converter, return that one
for this in _converters:
isrcfmt, idstfmt, irtn, ilossy = this
if (srcfmt, dstfmt) == (isrcfmt, idstfmt):
return [ilossy, 1, [this]]
# Finally, we try to create a converter
if not _generated.has_key(srcfmt):
# Not there yet. Try to create it.
_generated[srcfmt] = _enumerate_converters(srcfmt)
if not _generated[srcfmt].has_key(dstfmt):
raise unsupported_error, (srcfmt, dstfmt)
cf = _generated[srcfmt][dstfmt]
return cf
def _enumerate_converters(srcfmt):
cvs = {}
formats = [srcfmt]
steps = 0
while 1:
workdone = 0
for this in _converters:
isrcfmt, idstfmt, irtn, ilossy = this
# First see if the source format is of any use.
if isrcfmt == srcfmt:
# This converter directly understands our
# source format. Remember it.
template = [ilossy, 1, [this]]
elif cvs.has_key(isrcfmt):
# We have a path to this format, so
# this converter can help us further.
template = cvs[isrcfmt][:]
template[0] = max(template[0], ilossy)
template[1] = template[1] + 1
template[2] = template[2] + [this]
# Next, check whether we want this converter
# (if it is the first one for this dstfmt, or
# if it is better than what we have)
if not cvs.has_key(idstfmt):
cvs[idstfmt] = template
workdone = 1
previous = cvs[idstfmt]
if template < previous:
cvs[idstfmt] = template
workdone = 1
if not workdone:
# Finally, a check for loops.
steps = steps + 1
if steps > len(_converters):
print '------------------loop in emunerate_converters--------'
print _converters
print 'RESULTS:'
print cvs
raise error, 'Internal error - loop'
return cvs
def stackreader(dstfmt, reader):
"""Create a reader-like object that reads image file data and
converts it to the requested format.
Args: format, original_reader
if dstfmt in reader.format_choices:
reader.format = dstfmt
return reader
# Nope, not supported directly. Find all possible converters
list = []
for srcfmt in reader.format_choices:
rv = getconverter(srcfmt, dstfmt)
except unsupported_error:
if rv:
[lossy, len, funclist] = rv
list.append(lossy, len, srcfmt, funclist)
if not list:
raise unsupported_error, (reader.format_choices, dstfmt)
# Now, sort and use the best
lossy, len, srcfmt, funclist = list[0]
if lossy == 3:
return _MapReaderStack(reader, dstfmt, srcfmt, funclist)
return _ConverterStack(reader, dstfmt, srcfmt, funclist)
def stackwriter(srcfmt, writer):
"""Create a writer-like object that writes an image file from source
data in the specified format.
Args: source_format, destination_writer
if srcfmt in writer.format_choices:
writer.format = srcfmt
return writer
# Nope, not supported directly. Find all possible converters
list = []
for dstfmt in writer.format_choices:
[lossy, len, funclist] = getconverter(srcfmt, dstfmt)
except unsupported_error:
list.append(lossy, len, dstfmt, funclist)
if not list:
raise unsupported_error, (srcfmt, writer.format_choices)
# Now, sort and use the best
lossy, len, dstfmt, funclist = list[0]
return _ConverterStack(writer, srcfmt, dstfmt, funclist)
# The placeholder class
class _ConverterStack:
def __init__(self, base, ourfmt, basefmt, funclist):
self._base = base
self._funclist = funclist
self.format_choices = (ourfmt,)
self.format = ourfmt
self._basefmt = basefmt
def _copyattrtoself(self):
srcdict = self._base.__dict__
dstdict = self.__dict__
for k in srcdict.keys():
if k[0] <> '_':
dstdict[k] = srcdict[k]
def _copyattrfromself(self):
srcdict = self.__dict__
dstdict = self._base.__dict__
for k in srcdict.keys():
if k[0] <> '_':
dstdict[k] = srcdict[k]
def read(self):
self._base.format = self._basefmt
data = self._base.read()
print 'Converting', self._basefmt.name, 'to', self.format.name,
print 'in', len(self._funclist), 'steps:'
for f in self._funclist:
print ' ',f[0].name, 'to',f[1].name
data = apply(f[2], (data, self, f[0], f[1]))
return data
def write(self, data):
print 'Converting', self.format.name, 'to', self._basefmt.name,
print 'in', len(self._funclist), 'steps:'
for f in self._funclist:
print ' ',f[0].name, 'to',f[1].name
data = apply(f[2], (data, self, f[0], f[1]))
self._base.format = self._basefmt
# A MapReaderStack is used if one of the converters also returns a
# colormap. In this case we have to read upon init to set the colormap
# attribute.
class _MapReaderStack(_ConverterStack):
def __init__(self, base, ourfmt, basefmt, funclist):
_ConverterStack.__init__(self, base, ourfmt, basefmt, funclist)
self._base.format = self._basefmt
data = self._base.read()
print 'Converting', self._basefmt.name, 'to', self.format.name,
print 'in', len(self._funclist), 'steps:'
for f in self._funclist:
print ' ',f[0].name, 'to',f[1].name
data = apply(f[2], (data, self, f[0], f[1]))
self._data = data
def read(self):
return self._data